I’m writing this update on flight from SFO to Dubai, where I’ll have an overnight layover and depart from there to Entebbe Thursday morning. So our journey is starting, at least for me. Janet is still in Danville handling all the details with renting our home, packing/storing our belongings, and all the other 100’s of details associated with this new life adventure. Andrew and Phillip are home with her, so I know she will be well taken care of! Cassidy is away in Utah with a friend and then going to camp in Colorado, so she will be mostly away from Danville until she leaves for Spain mid-August visiting another friend. Janet and Cassidy will join me in Jinja at the end of August. I can’t wait!
Our team in Jinja is anticipating our arrival and we eagerly look forward to joining them in our mission to serve our HIV/Aids orphan kids. It was such an emotional departure for me, leaving family and friends. Really took me by surprise but the frequent times of prayer were quite comforting. Thank you Lord.
Here is a picture of the new COG facility in Jinja, just opened last month.
Stay tuned for more pics of the guest house where we will be staying, once I get in-country.
Blessings, Paul
Hi Paul - Wow. A direct flight on a perfectly new plane to the center of extreme indulgence on this planet - Dubai - to the warm embrace of charcoal fires and pit latrines that is know as East Africa. You are so blessed. Treasures in heaven, man. Jesus is going to do mighty things through you, Janet, and Cassidy. Be safe.
I love the looks of the facility and the absence of a lawn to mow - thank you Lord. I pray for you, Janet and Cassidy each time I pass your Danville house which happens about 3-4 times a week. As of this morning, the POD is still there. I'll remind the GBoB tomorrow for those who haven't yet contributed to the A/V Fund to do so. We are in awe of your commitment and faithfulness. Be safe and know we miss you greatly.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,