Life here in Africa is not about the usual or the mundane. But God is everywhere and 'shows up' just when life seems to get a little 'unusual'. Take for example, this past weekend. I needed a little medical procedure. In the US, it would be considered 'day surgery'. No big and out...all done.
Here in East Africa, not quite the same. After months of research and investigation, decisions were made to have a Dr. from India -- who practices in Nairobi, Kenya -- travels to Kampala once a month to perform his speciality, since there are no doctors in Uganda with similar experience --at a private 'theatre' (OR) facility built only a few years ago so some surgeons could have a 'modern' place that meets western standards -- Ok, routine deal in Africa.
Everything seems to be coming together. I travel the 2 hours to Kampala with a driver at 5am. Arrive at the facility, not a sole around except night assistant. Ushered into a small 'hospital' type room and wait....almost 1 hour! Satan begins to have a field day with my mind...did I make the right decision, will I leave here on two fears escalate. About that time, an 'older' Ugandan lady, very matronly, comes through the door in street clothes. She introduces herself as Dr. Margaret, anesthesiologist. My fear just increases. The ONE part of this entire event that had me most concerned....general anesthesia. After the introduction, the VERY FIRST words out of her mouth were "I hear you love the living Lord.....I do to." Wow...where did that come did she know? Whatever the answer, she quotes scripture and calms my fears as she preps the IV. God Moment #1
God Moment #2......I actually walk from the hospital room to the 'theatre' (their term for OR) hear the sweet sounds of worship music. I get to 'fall asleep' humming worship songs. I knew I was in the hands of a very loving Lord.
Several hours later, I wake up to the voice of Donata. God Moment #3. She is a 'mid wife' nurse that's on the Dr's team. We've never met until now. For the next 2 hours as I regain coherent thought, Donata literally sits by the bed talking to me. I'm sure my words were gibberish, but hers were filled with spiritual thoughts and scripture verses. She tells me parts of her life experience and how Christ the living Lord has encouraged her to reach beyond her orphanage background.
I thought this experience was just to mend my broken body...when it really was about meeting two Godly women, Dr. Margaret and Donata who inspired me when I needed comfort. Thank you Jesus for giving me discernment to recognize you in everyday life!

Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
First of all, we fully realize its been 3 weeks since the last blog. How time flys when you are having fun. Well we can't honestly say the last few weeks have been a "bowl of cherries", but we can say the Lord continues to show us that He is an everyloving Father and has a plan for our lives even when we don't fully grasp it.
Anyway, back to our catalogue of unpublished stories that need in point....
Children of Grace and Micro Business Mentors (MBM) are partners here in Uganda. MBM provides interest free 'very small' loans ($30-300) to guardians of sponsored CoG kids. Their organization was birthed last year by some SF bay area families who were already part of the CoG 'family'. Earning enough money to help feed and sustain your family's daily lives is a reality for many, many Uganda's....especially the guardians of the orphan kids CoG supports. Those that want to start, sustain or simply maintain their own business sometimes just need a little 'boost' in funding. So far, MBM has provided funding to 16 women...all of whom have not only paid their intial loans in full...but also started savings accounts to help contribute to their kids education.
Last week, another 16 women received loans to start their businesses in selling charcoal, tailoring, fruits and vegetables, small retail shop. We were there to witness the joy and gratitude of these women in receiving these loans. The smiles, laughter, singing, praying, and worship for what the Lord had provided was overwhelming.
One of the women is named Feona Night....a frail woman who is also blind. With her 'seed capital', she intends to sell charcoal....a huge blessing for that we take for granted much too often. We are all blessed to be witnessing the Lord's work.
Anyway, back to our catalogue of unpublished stories that need in point....
Children of Grace and Micro Business Mentors (MBM) are partners here in Uganda. MBM provides interest free 'very small' loans ($30-300) to guardians of sponsored CoG kids. Their organization was birthed last year by some SF bay area families who were already part of the CoG 'family'. Earning enough money to help feed and sustain your family's daily lives is a reality for many, many Uganda's....especially the guardians of the orphan kids CoG supports. Those that want to start, sustain or simply maintain their own business sometimes just need a little 'boost' in funding. So far, MBM has provided funding to 16 women...all of whom have not only paid their intial loans in full...but also started savings accounts to help contribute to their kids education.
Last week, another 16 women received loans to start their businesses in selling charcoal, tailoring, fruits and vegetables, small retail shop. We were there to witness the joy and gratitude of these women in receiving these loans. The smiles, laughter, singing, praying, and worship for what the Lord had provided was overwhelming.
One of the women is named Feona Night....a frail woman who is also blind. With her 'seed capital', she intends to sell charcoal....a huge blessing for that we take for granted much too often. We are all blessed to be witnessing the Lord's work.
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